
Please fill out the contact form to let me know what brings you to Hold Fast counseling at this time. I will respond to your inquiry as soon as I am able.

I’m now offering in-person and virtual sessions.

1140 S Robert Street, West St. Paul, MN 55118

*Park in lot behind Guiding Star Wakota building off of Westchester Place.

Client Testimony

"When I think of Katie, the words "gentle guide" come to mind. She has been such an excellent thought partner for me. It can be so exhausting to work through difficult things; sometimes I just don't know where to start or how to find the energy to keep at it. Katie helped relieve some of that burden. She helped me to ask the right questions and come up with manageable "homework" that kept me moving forward. She encouraged me to put in the hard work and affirmed me when I was tapped out and needed a break. I know I can be a bit hard on myself when I get frustrated, and Katie always helped to reign that in and nudge me to have a less biased perspective. Even though it meant facing hard topics, I looked forward to every appointment with Katie and I'm grateful for all of her help."

- Former Client